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Sep 18, 2024

2 min read




Day in the life:

5:15am - get up and work out.... run, weights, yoga, me time

6:04am - start coffee pot

6:05am - hear at least 1 kid on the monitor ready to get up

6:10am - get 1 to 3 kids up for diaper change, potty break, and morning milk

6:30am - get ready for work

6:45am - wake up call for child care

7:01am - try to tame and settle the beasts (children) before actually heading to work

7:15am- child care arrives

7:20am - try to leave for the first time (children screaming, crying, and opening doors.

7:21am - head back inside to once again tame the beasts.

7:33am - try to head out again

7:40am - actually head to work

7:56am - pull into the parking lot

8:00am -5:00pm (hopefully) - put in a days work

5:02pm - pull out of the parking lot

5:21pm - arrive at home (hubby graciously feeding the ragamuffin kids)

5:30pm - play time with the beasts

6:00pm - littlest one's bed time

6:30pm - start the process for readying the other two kids for bedtime

6:42pm - upstairs for the nightly dance party/story time before bed.

7:06pm - "Lay with me, Lay with me!" cries the oldest

7:15pm - make excuses to get out of the bedroom

7:20pm - take a shower to relax

7:25pm - screaming/fighting kids to calm down

7:45pm - FINALLY - time with Hubby

8:52pm - fall asleep on the couch

9:22pm - make my way to the bedroom for actual sleep

Process repeats throughout the work week.

Don't get me wrong, I have the most AMAZING husband. I am NOT a single mother in the very least, and we do split the tasks as best we can. We have a very healthy family with amazing moments. But I think, for a lot of us parents, trying to have it "ALL" is extremely difficult, exhausting, etc. But that's the world we live in, right?

You can't really live on a single income.... well, I guess you can because I see people do it, but COME ON! The prices of groceries alone have almost tripled in 4 years, while our paychecks look only SLIGHTLY different year to year. And don't even get me started on Day Care. I imagine if this continues... downsizing our life might possibly be in the future.

But back on parents, we quite literally have to be superhuman day in and out to survive. I love my kiddos, love my husband, love my life... but there are times that I feel drained, defeated, a bad mother, selfish, irritable, whiny, and so much more.

I guess we have to have grace to accept that those feelings are a part of being a faulty human. I try to make it a point to find little moments to enjoy peace, silence, stillness, and beauty without feeling like I'm being pulled in every direction.

So to ALL you Supermen and Superwomen, keep striving! Give yourself grace! Enjoy your ups, and pick yourself up after the downs.

Sep 18, 2024

2 min read





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